Off-site Visit Support, Advice and Approval
Outdoor Education
Off-site Visit Support, Advice and Approval
The function of this service is to assist Head Teachers in their compliance with health and safety legislation and best practice, and provide support and assistance to the school or academy in the event of an emergency.Regulation 7 of the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 which states that employers must have access to competent help in applying the provisions of health and safety law.
We provide advice and support to a number of Local Authorities, Academies and Academy chains. We use the EVOLVE visit manage system, used by over 100 LAs and Academies, to help schools with visit planning and approval. We are also supporting schools take on the EVOLVE+ system, which provides greater functionality for the system and includes the ability to link EVOLVE to your MIS system, ideal for in depth reporting on pupil access to enrichment activities and use of Pupil Premium.
Monitoring of off-site visits play a key role in demonstrating that a school/academy is fulfilling its statutory duties and in addition to our own experienced staff we use 3 external technical advisers to assist us in this role and ensure we are providing the highest level of service.
To further support schools, academies and other child settings we run the following Training Courses:
- OEAP EVC Training
- EVC update training
- OEAP Visit Leader Training
- Off-site visit emergency planning training
- EVOLVE Training
EVOLVE Training
Evolve is the online system for off-site visit approval.
The session will be suitable for anyone who has planned or is planning to organise an off-site visit and requires training to access the on-line system for approval of the visit.The training will cover:
- How to access the system
- Successful log on
- Background to the system
- How to put a visit on
- Detailed breakdown of each section
- Where to get ‘paperwork’ and risk assessments
Training for Educational Visits Coordinators
For Nottingham City Establishments, Off-site Visit Coordinators must be nominated by the head of establishment. There must be a nominated OVC in every establishment. If the OVC leaves, a new OVC must be appointed and attend an OVC training session.
Establishments need to ensure adequate safety standards on off-site visits and activities. This course is aimed at schools’ Off-site Visit Coordinators. Based on the Children and Families policy for off-site visits and the DfE latest guidance, the course provides a detailed briefing on the range of factors which need to be considered by all establishments including the legal situation, risk assessment, supervision arrangements, insurance, parental consent, licensing scheme for outdoor adventure centres, outdoor pursuit qualifications and sources of further adviceCourse objectivesThe course follows the national framework for OVC training. Based on the Children’s Services policy for off-site visits, the day comprises five modules:
- The legal situation
- Risk management and risk assessment
- Leader competence and supervision
- What the OVC needs to know
- What the OVC needs to do.
- Training for Group Leaders
For Nottingham City’s Children and Adults Establishments, Off Site Visit Coordinators must be nominated by the Head of establishment. Every establishment must have a nominated OVC. If an OVC leaves, a new person must be appointed and attend a training session. Children and Adults establishments need to ensure adequate safety standards on off site visits and activities. This course is aimed at schools’ OVC’s. Based on the Children and Adults’ policy for off site visits and the DfE’s latest guidance, the course provides a detailed briefing on the range of factors which need to be considered by all establishments including legal situations, risk assessments, supervision arrangements, insurance, parental consent, licensing schemes for outdoor adventure centres, outdoor pursuit qualifications and sources of further advice. Course Objectives: The course follows the national framework for OVC training. Based on the Children and Adults policy for off site visits, the day comprises five modules: -the legal situation -risk management and risk assessments -leader competence and supervision -what the OVC needs to know -what the OVC needs to do Contribution to OVC competence: This course will develop your knowledge of the Children and Adults policy for off site visits and help you improve practice in your establishment.
Contact Outdoor Learning @ Solar for costs and booking information.
Tel: 0115 947 6202 EXT 238