Learning and Awards
Schemes of Work and Awards

We provide a free badge, if you earn it, and an A5 Certificate for all pupils. In addition, we also provide half-termly feedback for schools on attainment levels in each class. There is no extra charge for this service, provided your school accesses Nottingham School Swimming.
School Swimming Award 1
1.1. Enter the water safely (using steps or swivel entry).
1.2. Move forwards, backwards and sideways for a distance of five metres.
1.3. Scoop the water to wash face and hair and be at ease with water showered from overhead.
1.4. Blow bubbles a minimum of three times with nose and mouth submerged.
1.5. Take part in a teacher led, partner orientated game.
1.6. Demonstrate an understanding of pool rules.
1.7. Recognise and understand beach flags.
1.9. Travel horizontal and or vertical axis for a distance across the pool
1.8. Exit the water safely.
School Swimming Award 2
2.1. Enter the water safely (using steps, swivel entry or a jump).
2.2. Move into a stretched floating position using aids, equipment or support.
2.3. Regain an upright position from floating on the front.
2.4. Regain an upright position from floating on the back.
2.5. Push and glide in a horizontal position to or from the pool wall.
2.6. Travel on the front and back for a distance of five metres where possible (taught using BLABT).
2.7. Have an understanding of the water safety code.
2.8. Exit the water safely.
School Swimming Award 3
3.1. Jump in from the side and submerge (minimum depth 0.9 metres).
3.2. Fully submerge to pick up an object.
3.3. Push from wall and glide on the front and back.
3.4. Push and glide from the wall to the pool floor.
3.5. Perform a rotation from the front to the back and regain an upright position.
3.6. Perform a rotation from the back to the front and regain an upright position.
3.7. Answer three questions on the water safety code.
3.8. Travel 10 metres on the front and 10 metres on the back. (BLABT teaching)
3.9. Exit the water safely.
School Swimming Award 4
4.1. Enter the water safely (using steps, swivel entry or a jump).
4.2. Perform a tuck float for five seconds.
4.3. Perform a sequence of changing shapes (minimum of three) whilst floating at the surface.
4.4. Push and glide from the front with arms extended and log roll onto the back.
4.5. Push and glide from the back with arms extended and log roll onto the front.
4.6. Travel on the front, tuck to rotate around the horizontal axis to return on the back.
4.7. Travel 25 metres on the front and 25 metres on the back. Over arms recovery
4.8. Demontrate an action for getting help (can be performed in shallow or deep water).
4.9. Exit the water safely without the use of steps.
School Swimming Award 5
5.1. Enter the water safely from a jump.
5.2. Kick 25 metres backstroke (one item of equipment may be used).
5.3. Kick 25 metres on the front (one item of equipment may be used).
5.4. Kick 25 metres breaststroke on the front or back (one item of equipment may be used).
5.5. Travel on the back and roll in one continuous movement to the front.
5.6. Travel on the front and roll in one continuous movement to the back.
5.7. Swim as far as possible in a set time (own choice of stroke).
4.8. Perform a shout and signal rescue.
4.9. Exit the water safely.
School Swimming Award 6
6.1. Perform 3 different jumps into deep water (one must be a straddle jump).
6.2. Perform a horizontal stationary scull on the back.
6.3. Perform a head first sculling action for 5 metres.
6.4. Perform a feet first sculling action for 5 metres.
6.5. Perform a sculling sequence with a partner for 30-45 seconds to include a rotation.
6.6. Tread water for 30 seconds.
6.7. Perform a handstand and hold for a minimum of 3 seconds.
6.8. Perform a forward somersault, tucked in the water.
6.9. Swim 10 metres in clothes.
6.10. Exit the water safely without the use of steps.
National Curriculum Aquatics Award
1. Enter the water safely.
2. Submerge to pick up an object from the pool floor (full reach depth).
3. Swim 10 metres front crawl, breaststroke or backstroke (two out of three must be chosen). Good stroke standard and attempt correct breathing practices.
4. Swim 25 metres (own choice of stroke).
5. Take part in a game of mini-polo.
6. In groups of three or more perform a movement sequence of one minute incorporating a number of different skills e.g. Treading water, floating, rotation.
7. Exit the water safely.
8. Discuss in your group the tactics and skills used and evaluate.
Contact The School Swimming Service
Contact The School Swimming Service @ SOLAR
Phone:0115 947 6202