Developing Character in Schools
Developing a Whole School Character Focus
The character curriculum
In support of organisations wishing to pursue a ‘character’ focus to their work the SOLAR Service has developed the following resources and can provide advice and training to schools and other child/youth settings in delivering a ‘Character Curriculum’.
We believe that lasting behavioural change will only occur if a Whole School/Organisational approach is adopted to implementing a character curriculum.
Our PSHE team have a huge amount of experience in this approach through their work in delivering the Healthy Schools programme throughout Nottingham.
Evidence indicates that non-formal learning, semi-structured activities, drama or debating, which are primarily delivered outside the classroom – play a vital role in developing [character] attributes. ‘Learning by Doing’ DEMOS Report – 2015
Developing a character framework
The Character Curriculum is seen as less of a resou
rce and more of an approach.
Many schools already undertake a wide range of activities, lessons and experiences that will contribute towards developing a young person’s character.
The ‘Character Curriculum’ attempts to support a school/organisation in pulling this work together and assist staff in not only being positive role models but highlighting elements of character throughout their lessons and contact with young people.
Contact Us
Contact character-uk team @ SOLAR
Phone:0115 947 6202 (Ext 238)